Application process
Congratulations on your decision to apply to Good Tree Academy! We are here to help at any point in the process. Should you need any assistance please contact admissions with any questions.
We only accept applications online through sycamore - All required documents should be submitted with the application to speed the process. No paper application or Mail/email application.

Admission is open for the 2025/2026 School Year
- Please click the link to create a Sycamore account, Link: bit.
ly/367liaO - You will receive an email with Username and a link to create a Password
- Please be sure to read the application agreements thoroughly
- There will be a non-refundable fee of $195 application processing fee & admission testing fee per applicant, payment can be submitted via Zelle to finance@ - Unless payment is received, the application will not be accepted
- Please note that we are closed from Dec 20, 2024 to Jan 5, 2025
- Spots availabilities will be finalized in March 2025
We would like to inform you that the number of vacancies for the upcoming academic year will depend on our re-enrollment rate. Our top priority is to secure admission for all our students; however, this will be subject to the availability of spots and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that this application is intended to serve as a waitlist application for the upcoming school year. Spot availability will be determined after the re-enrollment process is complete.
Application Procedures

Enrollment Information
Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child in Good Tree Academy. Our application wait list is coming soon.

Please submit the following documents via email at, fax at (972) 502-9432, or dropped off at the front desk.
- Copy of the Birth Certificate
- Copy of up-to-date Immunization Records
- Past 2 years of Final Report Card
- Past 2 years of State Testing Results (if applicable)
- 2 letters of recommendations from principal and teachers are needed for grades 6th - 12th
All documents can be submitted via email to, or Fax: 972-502-9432. To expedite your application please submit all documents at the same time An incomplete application will not be processed.
iTesting is to be scheduled after all documents have been submitted, and spots availability is confirmed. All testing will be done on campus.
All testing is done on material from the last grade completed.
- $100 Montessori testing fee (An observation in the classroom for 2 to 3 hours done by the homeroom teacher).
- $145 Grades 1-12 admission testing.
- $1000 Family Commitment Fee (Due after admission is approved).
To expedite your application submit all documents at the same time. Incomplete registration application will not be processed.


Admissions decisions will be communicated to parents/guardians via email.
Students presently enrolled in Good Tree Academy are given the first opportunity to re-enroll for the next school year. Re-enrollment is not automatic.