Uniform Policy

Uniform Policy
Our uniform provider is Academic Outfitters.
Black athletic pants from Academic Outfitters ONLY
All P.E. shirts are sold on campus
P.E. shirts (available for purchase at Good Tree Academy)
SOLID Black or White athletic shoes
Boys: All boys are required to have short, tapered hair above ears and collar length free of styling products. No mohawks, spikes, mullets, or ponytails. Students are not allowed to have hair shaved from one or both sides.
Girls: Students are not allowed to wear makeup and/or perfume on campus. Students will be asked to immediately remove their makeup. Deodorant is allowed and encouraged.
All Good Tree Hijabs are sold on campus
Good Tree Hijab is mandatory during Hifz and Salah time for all girls.
Girls in grade 5 onwards must wear the school uniform hijab during school hours and during any after-school activities. The inner piece, beige for elementary and grey for middle and high school girls must be showing at least 1/2” at all times. Shylas(scarves) must be neatly pinned for middle and high school girls. All girls in grades 1 to 4 must keep their hair neatly tied or with a solid white, solid black, or solid navy headband.
Middle School Girls Jilbab exception: Good Tree Jilbabs are sold on Campus.
Middle School, girls requesting special permission to wear jilbab as their uniform, instead of the regular Uniform Policy Shirt are required to complete and submit uniform exemption form for the school’s records.
A solid navy-blue cardigan or pullover sweater with school logo from the assigned uniform provider with school logo.
The outer layer while INSIDE the campus must be:
- A sweater, fleece jacket, or vest with the Good Tree Academy logo (Academic outfitters)
- All layers (under the P.E. shirt or regular uniform) must be solid black or solid white ONLY
Jackets (to be worn outside the campus ONLY) can be purchased from an outside vendor of your choice however they must be
- Only solid Navy Blue
- No Hoodies
Students are not allowed to wear any outerwear on campus other than their navy sweater or vest with the Good Tree Logo unless it is unbearably cold and/or the heating system malfunctions, and the room temperature drops lower than 65 degrees.
Students are not allowed to wear baseball caps or other hats to class or to dress in any way contrary to the principles of Islam. Remember modesty and decorum should be observed at all times.